New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities The most beautiful prayers and spiritual texts from around the world 9782764025819Languages French €20.00 Collection of famous and lesser-known Christian prayers, extracts from religious and philosophical texts from all horizons to help with contemplation and inner peace, to elevate the soul. Presentation: Soft binding, paperback Author: Françoise Morency Format: 15.3 cm × 23 cm × 1.3 cm, 194 pages 270 g ISBN code: 9782764025819 Publisher: Octave éditions... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities The Healing Power of Kindness 9782923718118Languages French €18.25 We teach Jesus' message by living according to his teaching of forgiveness. This undoes the ego's lessons of hate, attack, and murder, and thus demonstrates the effectiveness of Jesus' message. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Kenneth Wapnick Format: 15.2 cm × 22.8 cm × 0.8 cm, 126 pages 200 g ISBN code: 9782923718118 Publisher: Octave éditions... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Never Alone Again 9782750906641Languages French €20.40 This book tells the story of a birth. That of the Faith and Light movement, which today brings together more than 50,000 members in 81 countries. A paradoxical birth, in pain and joy: the pain of families confronted with disability in a society that is so afraid of difference; and the joy of discovering the unique value of each person, despite their... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities When Suffering Becomes Hope... 9782874140884Languages French €8.50 In this small collection, the leaders of the Jonathan Pierres Vivantes association wanted to share their knowledge and know-how of their action: helping parents grieving the loss of a child. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Jonathan-Pierres Vivantes Format: 15 cm × 22 cm × 0.7 cm, 78 pages 150 g ISBN code: 9782874140884 Publisher: Editions... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities All true love is indissoluble 9782204103923Languages French €9.00 Here is the expected, demanding and serene plea in favor of those who are indistinctly called, for convenience, "the divorced and remarried". Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Jean-Paul Vesco Format: 12.5 cm × 19.5 cm × 0.9 cm, 110 pages 125 g ISBN code: 9782204103923 Publisher: Les éditions du Cerf Only in French. Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities What is the Gospel? 9782358430173Languages French €12.00 What is the Gospel? will help you realize the importance of the Gospel and its dissemination. This book will equip you to communicate the Good News with clarity and assurance, and will encourage you to praise Jesus, Savior and Lord, for all that he has accomplished for you. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Greg Gilbert Format: 14 cm × 21 cm ×... Add to cart
New Religions and Spiritualities The Essentials of the Church: Learning from the Vine and its Trellis 9782358430388Languages French €13.90 Two Australian authors, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne, use the metaphor of the Vine and the Trellis to reflect on the Church. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Authors: Colin Marshall, Tony Payne Format: 14 cm × 21 cm × 1 cm, 210 pages 250 g ISBN code: 9782358430388 Publisher: Clé Only in French. Add to cart
New Out-of-Stock Religions and Spiritualities Memorandum for the Beyond - A Step into Eternity 9782930678276Languages French €15.90 Following a cardiac arrest lasting several minutes, Vincent Hamain had a near-death experience (NDE). An encounter with death that he details in this book, a journey through the different planes of existence. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Vincent Hamain Format: 14 cm × 21 cm × 1.4 cm, 172 pages 220 g ISBN code: 9782930678276 Publisher: La... View
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities The Book of Jacob 9782204101905Languages French €22.00 This story delivers a rare investigation into the mystery of identity, leading us to discover how, during the most inhuman of centuries, each Jew will have had the destiny of carrying the vocation of his people to this extreme point where the universal and the particular become one. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Wladimir Berelowitch Format:... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Our Father who is on earth 9782204100656Languages French €18.00 This book, which is absolutely to be read and meditated on, is a space of poetry, culture and humanity that finds the words likely to awaken the unexpected proximity of God, to help us complete our Pater, to make our life "an incessant and interminable Our Father". -Jacques Lison, editor-in-chief of Prions l'Eglise Presentation: Softcover, paperback... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Esperances - Prayers meditations 9782746823259Languages French €9.00 From the Variances collection, Espérances is a collection of judiciously chosen photos with texts of poetry, prayers, inviting meditation and faith. Presentation: Soft binding, paperback Author: Yolande Weibel Format: 23 cm × 17.5 cm × 0.6 cm, 94 pages 270 g ISBN code: 9782746823259 Publisher: Editions du Signe Only in French. Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities 40 prayers with the first Apostles 9782903242954Languages French €16.00 Illustrated with various contemporary works of art, these 40 prayers are simple and in everyday language, as many poetic hymns inspired by the Acts of the Apostles. Presentation: Soft binding, paperback Author: Jacques Roger Format: 17 cm × 24.5 cm × 0.6 cm, 96 pages 295 g ISBN code: 9782903242954 Publisher: Socéval éditions Only in French. Add to cart
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New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Attracted by Love 9782204095716Languages French €17.00 These believing women, attracted by the love of God, bear witness to it through self-giving, service, sharing and sacrifice, sometimes to the point of martyrdom, in the midst of violence, suffering and persecution that is still ongoing. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Sister Marie-Thérèse Hanna Format: 14 cm × 22 cm × 1.3 cm, 120 pages 250 g... Add to cart
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New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities The Wind Blows Where It Wants 9782750913496Languages French €19.40 "The Wind Blows Where It Wants" - Spiritual Journey of a Mother of a (Very) Large Family, is a touching testimony of a mother who succeeded in carrying out her own childbirth by giving life. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Marielle Blanchier and Florence Taylor Format: 14.1 cm × 22.6 cm × 2 cm, 227 pages 315 g ISBN Code: 9782750913496... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Lessons for Peace 9782204079112Languages French €15.00 Pierre Chaunu attempts, on his scale, to reconcile the beliefs of different faiths by trying to understand what pushed the world into this crusade, encouraging peace rather than war. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Pierre Chaunu de l'Institut Format: 11 cm × 20 cm × 0.8 cm, 124 pages 125 g ISBN code: 9782204079112 Publisher: Editions du Cerf... Add to cart
New Out-of-Stock Religions and Spiritualities Vedanta and the Unconscious - In Search of the Self, Volume III 9782266203029Languages French (1 review) €9.50 In Eastern spiritualities, the unconscious occupies a fundamental place. By detailing the foundations of Adhyatma yoga, Arnaud Desjardins helps us see how our emotions and experiences influence our vision of life. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Arnaud Desjardins Format: 10.9 cm × 17.8 cm × 2 cm, 441 pages 240 g ISBN code: 9782266203029... View
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities The Trolless 9782952731560Languages French €14.00 Agnostic, Simone Weil has a mystical experience" that reveals to her the love of Christ. Her testimony opens up another reality. Presentation: Softcover, paperback, with mini-audio CD Author: Alice Nicolle Format: 11 cm × 18 cm × 1 cm, 122 pages 125 g ISBN code: 9782952731560 Publisher: Docteur angélique In French only. Add to cart
New Religions and Spiritualities Way of the Cross at the School of the Saints 9782909271385Languages French €0.50 To renew the celebration of this traditional exercise of piety, a collection of classic spiritual texts adapted to each station of the Way of the Cross. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Author: Collective Format: 10.3 cm × 15 cm × 0.1 cm, 16 pages ISBN code: 9782909271385 10 g Publisher: Centre Saint-Jean-de-la-Croix In French only. Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Psalms of the present time 9782750904722Languages French €14.40 These 70 contemporary love psalms of great beauty are a cry and a song addressed to God by the one who was touched by His grace. An elevation of fire towards the All-Other who comes to join us in the most intimate and make his home in us. Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback Author: Alina Reyes Format: 15.2 cm × 21.1 cm × 1.1 cm, 84 pages ISBN... Add to cart
New Religions and Spiritualities Does Everyone Die? 9782896970377Languages French €12.00 Here is a touching story recommended for parents, caregivers or any other adult who must discuss the subject of death with a child. Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback Author: Lynne Pion Preface: Martin Latulippe Format: 13.5 cm × 19 cm × 0.6 cm, 78 pages ISBN code: 9782896970377 100 g Publisher: CARD Only in French. Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Letters - Volume 6: Letters to Nuns and Monks 9782204077187Languages French €24.00 This sixth collection has been gathered the letters that Catherine of Siena addressed to nuns and monks belonging to various religious orders, models of spiritual direction, they deal with the duties of monastic life. Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback Author: Catherine of Siena Format: 12.7 cm × 19.5 cm × 2 cm, 226 pages ISBN code:... Add to cart
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New Religions and Spiritualities Little Diary 9782917242025Languages French €15.00 God chose a pure soul, Sister Faustina Kowalska, to transmit to the world his call to trust in his Divine Mercy which infinitely surpasses all the malice of man. This devotion to Divine Mercy is mainly realized in these four practices explained in this book. Presentation: Softcover, paperback Format: 11.5 x 3.5 x 16.5 cm, 688 pages ISBN code:... Add to cart
New Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Translate without betraying 9782825100165 €29.40 Translate without betraying, the theory of translation and its application to biblical texts, by Jean-Claude Margot. Presentation: Soft binding in textured cardboard, paperback Author: Jean-Claude Margot, preface by Georges Mounin Format: 15.4 x 22.5 x 3 cm, 392 pages ISBN: 9782825100165 Publisher: L'Âge d'Homme Only in French. Add to cart
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Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Marriage - Timothy and Kathy Keller 9782358430364Languages French €25.00 Marriage, a complex commitment to living with the wisdom of God is for all those who are looking for relevant age-old wisdom to deal with the complexity of married life. Presentation: Hardcover, paperback Authors: Timothy Keller, Kathy Keller Format: 14.5 cm × 22.2 cm × 2.7 cm, 293 pages ISBN code: 9782358430364 500 g Publisher: Editions Clé In French only. Add to cart
Last items in stock Books Sainte Odile - Model of prayer and holiness 9782746828599Languages French €6.95 “Sainte Odile, modèle de prière et de sainteté” is a superb book written by Patrick Koehler. Sainte Odile is a model of charity that is worth remembering at all times. Publisher: Editions du Signe Author: Patrick Koehler 98 pages, 12 x 19 cm Booklet available in French only. Add to cart
Books Booklet novena Mary who undoes the knots 97823568900023Languages Italian Portuguese Spanish English German €4.00 Novena booklet dedicated to Mary who undoes the knots so that she helps us untangle the problems of life by interceding with the Lord. Publisher: Editions du Gingko Author: Father Juan Ramón Celeiro 24 pages, 10.5 x 16 cm Booklet available in English, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Religions and Spiritualities My pure and simple cooking 9782263152511Languages French €22.70 Through 60 recipes, Pascale Naessens shares her method to stay happy, healthy and slim.Binding: hardbackAuthor: Pascale NaessensFormat: 19.8 x 25 x 2 cm, 210 pagesRelease date: October 17, 2017Publisher: SolarISBN: 9782263152511Book in French only View
Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Pray with Jesus: 100 Prayers to Find Inner Peace 900009798378930500Languages French €12.50 100 prayers to find inner peace, to warm the heart and soul.Binding: soft cardboardAuthor: Anne-Marie TremblaySize: 12.7 x 20.3 x 0.7 cm, 257 pagesISBN: 9798378930500Book in French only Add to cart
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Last items in stock Religions and Spiritualities Saints and simples - Medicinal plants between earth and heaven 9782875520333Languages French €42.00 The Bible makes numerous references to the plant kingdom. Yves Vanopdenbosch opens our eyes to this strong link between medicine and spirituality.Publication date: September 2014Author: Yves Vanopdenbosch224 pages, 24 × 27 × 2 cm, 1300 gISBN: 9782875520333Publisher: Editions AmyrisBook available in French only Add to cart
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Last items in stock Editions Bénédictines Mary and France - An Extraordinary Link to Rediscover 9782491255039Languages French €7.80 This book offers a short synthesis of France's rich heritage and its link with the Virgin Mary.Release date: November 2019Author: Editions Marie de NazarethPaperback68 pages with color illustrations, 14.7 x 21 cm, 86 gISBN : 9782491255039Editions MDN ProductionsBook in French only Add to cart