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Little Chaplet of Love - CD
This CD presents a "Little Chaplet of Love" for children by children. A family prayer with songs and guitar to accompany the recitation inspired by Jesus' messages to Angela.
CD in French only.
In this very simple prayer called "Little Chaplet of Love" that we offer today to all children, Jesus is represented and makes Himself very small to welcome twelve little apostles who symbolize all the children of the earth. We find there all the joy and tenderness that Jesus feels at the sight of these little ones so dear to His Heart" when they pray the Little Chaplet of Love.
Reminding us of the phrase from the Gospel "Let the little children come to me!...", He makes us understand the relevance and urgency of this Word! But today, in this world where children are often "martyrs", Jesus proclaims: "the prayer of children can save the world." This little prayer that parents and children can recite together, using an ordinary rosary, is an invitation to cooperate in this project of salvation for the greatest joy of Jesus and Mary.
Thanks to the children who participated in this CD: Alice, Baptiste, Claire, Elise, Lola, Marie, Mathilde, Pierre, Virginie, Zélie
CD titles: Tracks 1 to 18: Little Crown of Love meditated: 28 mins
Tracks 19 to 28: Little Crown of Love recited: 10 mins
Tracks 29 to 35: songs from the CD grouped together
Duration: 56 minutes
Release date: 2015
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
Only in French.