Through the rosary, Jesus enters my life - CD
Recording of Father Horacio Brito's intervention at the international gathering at the Sanctuary of Lourdes from July 9 to 13, 2012 on the theme Mysteries of the Life of Jesus with the Virgin Mary, how little Bernadette Soubirou experienced in her life the mysteries of the life of Jesus.
Author: Father Horacio Brito
CD in French only.
EAN : 3760132379708
“I only knew my rosary...” said Bernadette. Mary took her at this stage and, in the course of the apparitions at Lourdes, led her into a profound experience of this prayer, making her experience concretely in her life all the mysteries of Jesus' life. A true school of prayer!
Hosted by the Beatitudes community, this international gathering takes place at the Sanctuaries of Lourdes from July 9 to 13, 2012 on the theme of the Mysteries of Jesus' life with the Virgin Mary, at the school of St. Bernadette.
Running time: 59 minutes
Release date: 2013
Author: Father Horacio Brito
EAN : 3760132379708
Publisher: Beatitudes Audio - Maria Multi Media
In French only.