Excerpts from the work "Path of Life" read by Franck Hernandez with a musical background. A magnificent meditation for the soul and the heart. To listen to and re-listen to regularly to soak up the strong and beneficial words of these magnificent messages from the Heart of Jesus.
Fille du Soleil was born in 1949 in the northeast of France. A non-practicing Catholic, she follows the spirit of the world before starting a path of conversion at the age of 38. When one of her friends leaves the Catholic faith, the Lord comes to ask her to "unite and beautify his Church". She receives many messages.
Since 1998, Heaven having asked him to get involved in a mission as a "singer of Jesus", Franck Hernander has accompanied many privileged souls. He sings at the Sacré-Coeur in Bordeaux for the Emmanuel community and in the churches where the priests invite him...
Duration: 45 minutes
Author: Fille du Soleil
Performer: Franck Hernandez
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
Only in French.