Saint Peregrine Laziosi - prayers
    Saint Peregrine Laziosi - prayers

    Saint Peregrine Laziosi - prayers

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    Saint Peregrine Laziozi is the Saint invoked by patients with cancer, AIDS or long-term illnesses.
    Publication date: February 2014
    48 pages, 10.5 × 18 cm, 40 gr.
    ISBN : 97828848630168
    Publisher : Editions Bénédictines
    Book only in French

    • French

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    Around 1325, at the age of 60, because of his hard and restless life, he was struck in the leg by a cancerous tumor that quickly degenerated into gangrene. The doctor saw no other solution than amputation to avoid death. The brothers agree. Peregrine himself accepts the inevitable and entrusts himself to Christ, his Savior. The night before the operation, he drags himself, as best he can, in front of a painting of Christ on the cross, with Mary and John (a fresco that can still be seen in the Servite convent of Forli). There he prays fervently for healing until the moment when the evil suddenly becomes intolerable. He then sinks into sleep. In his dream he sees Jesus, who can save and heal hearts and bodies, come down from the Cross and heal his leg. Once awake, Peregrine realizes that he is completely healed. Giving thanks to God, he returns to his cell. In the morning, the doctor finds no more signs of tumor. Only a slight scar remains. He is the Saint invoked by cancer patients.

    10,5 cm
    40 gr
    18 cm
    10 Items

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