The Great Mysteries of Faith
    The Great Mysteries of Faith

    The Great Mysteries of Faith

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    Knowledge of these mysteries is necessary for our spiritual life, our prayer life, our human life.
    Ref : F1390
    Release date: June 2017
    Author: Jacques Magnan
    112 pages, 13 x 20 cm, 350 gr
    ISBN: 9782880224219
    Publisher: Parvis
    Book only in French

    • French


    We are living in a special moment in History, announced prophetically in the Holy Scriptures. True believers are facing adversity and the Church's boat is rocking in the midst of the growing storm. But the Lord is with us and will suddenly calm it down, let us not be afraid. Let us be wise and vigilant. The world is suffering on all sides and many are going astray from God. The time of grace and mercy that we are living, despite the pains of childbirth, is a precious time to return to the right path of life, to return in love and light, to God who loves us beyond all understanding.

    The knowledge of the great mysteries of faith, which is the object of this book, is necessary for our spiritual life, our life of prayer, our life as men called to union with God. It is fruitful nourishment for all. It allows us to defend ourselves in the truth, brings answers and consolation for hearts that seek God. It awakens consciences. The biblical confirmations, which we will find after each theme, give many references that will allow us to root and deepen our faith in the unalterable divine truth.

    "God Our Saviour wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:3,4)

    13 cm
    350 gr
    20 cm
    1 Item

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