Light and strength of faith
The immense richness of faith, an invisible yet tangible gift
Ref : F1284
Release date: March 2015
Author: Father François Zannini
272 pages, 14,5 x 21 cm, 400 gr
ISBN: 9782880223861
Publisher: Parvis
Book only in French
"Blessed are those who believed without seeing," Jesus said to Thomas. He knew how difficult faith is for the man who believes only in the visible. To believe in the face of the obvious requires no effort, no reflection, it is an undeniable fact. To believe in an invisible God and to adhere to him, to his Word, and to live by his life, is a crazy and incomprehensible act for rationalists and intellectuals of all kinds.
Faith is an inexplicable gift of God, accepted by a humble heart, meditated upon by a wise mind, and lived by every Christian in the joy of a mind freed from intellectual fantasies, and in the peace of a heart open to oblation.
Faith opens me to the whole Truth. It gives me the strength to overcome my pride and selfishness that scleroses my life, and it opens me to an earthly happiness that will be consumed tomorrow in the eternity of God.
This book will help you to reflect on the immense richness of Faith which, according to Pius XII, allows "man to stand, because he knows how to kneel". To believe in order to live forever means accepting to lose one's illusions and to detach oneself from worldly vanities in order to find in the word of Christ the certainty of absolute truth and endless happiness.
Faith requires only the courage to say "yes" like Mary and to remain faithful to this "yes" all one's life in the love of her Son and of one's neighbour. It is a crazy wager to take up, but among human feats, it is the greatest to be achieved and the least known to men, because it is not seen.
In the following pages you will discover how to achieve this Christian feat: that of holiness which men will not always see, but which God will certainly recognize, because only He knows how to identify those who resemble Him.
- Width
- 14,5 cm
- Weight
- 400 gr
- SH
- 49019900
- Height
- 21 cm