Word of the Most Holy Trinity (Volume 10)
To all men and women of good will
Messages from Heaven
Ref : F1181
Publication date: May 2005
Author: Jean-Marc
128 pages, 14,5 x 22 cm, 200 gr
ISBN: 9782880222413
Publisher: Parvis
Book only in French
It was during a prayer group meeting. Jean-Marc suddenly felt the Presence of God so intensely that he burst into tears. A great Light invaded him, so dazzling, so bright that he will never forget it again. On June 17, 1987, in a prodigious Mystery of Love, the Most Holy Trinity said to him: "Write." Since that unforgettable date, Jean-Marc has written...
"The messages that you are going to read, that you are going to deepen, are only intended to awaken in you the faith, infused in your heart at your baptism, as small as a grain of mustard seed, this faith that you have the vocation to make grow until you become a great tree, of which the Gospel speaks, this faith in the three divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity:
- the Father, most loving, source of all holiness..;
- to the incarnate Son to redeem all flesh;
- to the Spirit of all holiness, who comes into our hearts to change it until it becomes like Christ's and, finally, to present it to the Father as an offering of pleasant odor...
Thank you, Jean-Marc, for having given us your messages. No doubt they will help to enlighten and warm many hearts on the rough road to Heaven! »
(Abbot Bertaina, priest and Doctor of Theology)
"I, Your Heavenly Mother, will speak through your mouth, if necessary, to help the conversion of souls in great mortal danger. Be the joyful Children of Mary, opening the way to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, which is drawing nearer little by little.
Invoke Me often under this powerful vocable, which makes the whole of hell tremble:
"O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us sinners who have recourse to You, Our Mother."
Say it often, especially after every tenth of your rosary, and you will obtain great graces for yourself and the whole world. This is a beautiful mission I entrust to you."
(December 8, 2004, Volume 10, page 102)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
- Width
- 14,5 cm
- Weight
- 200 gr
- SH
- 49019900
- Height
- 22 cm