Word of Love
Words of Love - contemporary revelations to an Italian mother, to whom the Lord gave the pseudonym Gemma.
Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback
Author: Gemma
Format: 2 x 14.5 x 20.5 cm, 268 pages
ISBN Code: 9782880221454
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
Only in French.
Word of Love and Work of Love
Gemma is an Italian mother who serves the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary as a means of communication with so many sons and daughters of good will. She is a simple instrument. Through this channel we are given today an echo of that "Word of Love" which from all eternity is in the Heart of the Father, which from the beginning has resounded in the heart of man, was made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, came to dwell among us and which remains the source of living water for the salvation of souls.
It is not only a word that proclaims, but also that operates. It is a word that summons so many scattered sons, so that they form in the Church a single heart and a single soul for the Work of Love, which has always been in the Heart of the Father.
Word and Work are the fruit of the incessant action of that Spirit of Love which animates the whole Church, the mystical Body of Christ, and which in time guides it towards the whole truth.
The heavenly Mother wanted to inspire a work marked by humility. It is being carried out in Nazzano, 45 km north of the Eternal City. On site there is a sanctuary that now houses the image of Our Lady of the Holy Help and a building that serves as a residence for priests and students, future deacons and priests serving the dioceses and missions.
Mary wants to be venerated and prayed to every Saturday under the ancient, but still current, name of Mother of the Holy Help. She also asks that the Word of her Son and her own be quickly divulged, because time is pressing, She adds.
Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback
Publication date: 1986
Format: 2 x 14.5 x 20.5 cm, 268 pages
ISBN: 9782880221454
Author: Gemma
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
Only in French.