- New
Jesus comments on the Gospel of Saint John to the little ones
This book is therefore intended for the "Little Ones" who have not yet discovered the wonders of the Heart of Jesus. The Lord teaches us, in these pages, to understand a part of the mysteries of His Word.
Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback
Author: Françoise
Preface: The Spiritual Father of "Françoise"
Format: 13 cm × 20 cm × 1 cm, 102 pages
ISBN code: 9782880221300
135 g
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
Only in French.
There are many works and commentaries on the Gospel texts, in particular those that deal with the theology of the Gospel of Saint John. Exegetes and commentators have written and published much... but none have spoken to this extent of the Love that springs from the Heart of Jesus. Yet therein lies the key to understanding this Gospel. At first glance, this text is surprising, because the Lord's comments on this Gospel are not found in any manual of Holy Scripture! Jesus only wants to speak of Love. He even goes so far as to draw our attention to the excessive intellectual "prudence" which He does not hesitate to say is the work of the Enemy, because it is totally paralyzing. Page after page, dear reader, you will realize that Jesus acts only out of love and the will to save. It is therefore this "Love" that will be the only key that will open us to the understanding of this Gospel. Without love, we receive, we seek, but we do not understand, because God only gives Himself when He sees in our soul hope, therefore blind certainty, and love. This also makes us understand and measure somewhat - the atrocious suffering of Jesus before so many hearts that have closed themselves before Him. This book is therefore addressed to the "Little Ones" who have not yet discovered the wonders of the Heart of Jesus. The Lord teaches us, in these pages, to understand a part of the mysteries of His Word. Dialogue of Love... dialogue of our soul with its God and its Father... dialogue of the One who loves with the one who is the object of this Love of predilection... In reading these pages, friend, you will have to ask the Heart of Jesus to manifest to you His infinite Tenderness, this Tenderness which will push Him to return to His Own in this Gift of His Glorious Presence. You understand it... this work will be for you a book of meditation, a book of prayer, a book of contemplation. -The Spiritual Father of "Françoise"
Extract from the preface
Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, paperback
Publication date: November 16, 2000
Format: 13 cm × 20 cm × 1 cm, 102 pages
ISBN: 9782880221300
Author: Françoise
Preface: The Spiritual Father of "Françoise"
Weight: 135 g
Publisher: Editions du Parvis
In French only.