THEODOM 1 : Introduction à la théologie
THEODOM 1, introduction to theology, is a manual of exercises and prayer to become (almost) effortlessly a good theologian!
Presentation: Soft cardboard binding, stapled
Author: Grégoire Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond, Theodom
Format: 15.5 x 23 cm, 56 pages, 96 grams
ISBN code: 9782204130936
Publisher: Editions du Cerf
Only in French.
If you never know how to answer your brother-in-law who says enormous things about religion;
If you wonder what "consubstantial with the Father" means, and if it wakes you up at night - or even if it doesn't keep you awake;
If the coloring pages in your catechism classes are no longer enough for you;
If you have children or friends who ask you questions about faith;
If you have neither children nor friends, but you still ask yourself questions about faith;
And if proving the existence of God thanks to the existence of platypuses or evoking Jesus through Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings does not bother you:
Here is a unique manual to become (almost) effortlessly a good theologian.
Brother Grégoire Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond, Dominican and former professor of Literature, joined Théodom in 2014 and is pursuing studies in exegesis in Lyon.
Presentation: Softcover binding in cardboard, stapled
Publication date: 2019
Format: 15.5 x 23 cm, 56 pages
ISBN: 9782204130936
Author: Grégoire Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond, Theodom
Publisher: Editions du Cerf
In French only.