Attracted by Love
These believing women, attracted by the love of God, bear witness to it through self-giving, service, sharing and sacrifice, sometimes to the point of martyrdom, in the midst of violence, suffering and persecution that is still ongoing.
Presentation: Softcover, paperback
Author: Sister Marie-Thérèse Hanna
Format: 14 cm × 22 cm × 1.3 cm, 120 pages
250 g
ISBN code: 9782204095716
Publisher: Editions du Cerf
In French only.
Attracted by Love traces the history of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena in Iraq: a century-long struggle against poverty and ignorance, a permanent fight that also affirms the victory of love over hatred, forgiveness over vengeance and the triumph of courage over despair. Originally, a small group of Christian women of various rites (Chaldean, Latin, Syriac, Orthodox, Armenian and Nestorian) formed a community under the leadership of Saint Dominic and persevered until the founding of a specifically Iraqi congregation. These believing women, attracted by the love of God, bear witness to it through self-giving, service, sharing and sacrifice, sometimes to the point of martyrdom, in the midst of violence, suffering and persecution that is still ongoing. Presentation: Softcover, paperback
Author: Sister Marie-Thérèse Hanna
Publication date: June 2013
Format: 14 cm × 22 cm × 1.3 cm, 120 pages
Weight: 250 g
Publisher: Editions du Cerf
ISBN: 9782204095716
In French only